
Attendance and Punctuality: 2022

There is some important information about attendance and punctuality that every parent/carer of a child at Prince Edward needs to know.

Times of the School Day

Please make sure you tell us if someone other than you is coming for your child. If there is anyone who is not allowed to come for your child and you have court paperwork to enforce this you will need to make an appointment to speak to Miss French. 

There are prizes for the children with 100% for a term.

Health Issues

Please let us know if your child has any ongoing health concerns or medical needs. They may need a Care Plan putting in place which means that everyone working with your chid knows the best ways to look after your child and respond if they become unwell. Mrs Wells or Mrs Briggs (SENCO) would write this with you and then share it with everyone who needs to know.

If your child is not yet fully toilet trained during the day and needs to wear a pull up at school, please inform a member of the team as soon as possible as it may be that a Care Plan needs to be put into place to ensure your child’s needs are met and they remain comfortable during the school day. We have a Nappy Policy which we will share with you and ask you to sign.